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Negation and Polarity...

Abbildung von "Negation and Polarity. Syntax and Semantics. Selected Papers from the Colloquium Negation; Syntax and Semantics Ottawa,..." +1
Forget, Danielle; Paul Hirschbühler; France Martineau; Maria-Luisa Rivero (Edit.): Negation and Polarity. Syntax and Semantics. Selected Papers from the Colloquium Negation; Syntax and Semantics Ottawa,...

Forget, Danielle; Paul Hirschbühler; France Martineau; Maria-Luisa Rivero (Edit.)

Negation and Polarity. Syntax and Semantics. Selected Papers from the Colloquium Negation; Syntax and Semantics Ottawa, 11-13 May 1995.

Erscheinungsort: Amsterdam/Phiadelphia, Verleger: John Benjamins Publ. Comp. Erschienen: 1995.

gr. VIII., 365 Seiten Original-Pappband.

Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Sciens. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. Volume 155.

€ 45,-

Stempel auf Vorsatz und Tit. Sehr gut erhalten.

Bestellnummer: 38783


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