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A Dictionary,...

Abbildung von "A Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical, and Historical of Commerce and Commercial Navigation : Illustrated with Maps and Plans..." +3
McCulloch, J.R.: A Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical, and Historical of Commerce and Commercial Navigation : Illustrated with Maps and Plans...

McCulloch, J.R.

A Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical, and Historical of Commerce and Commercial Navigation : Illustrated with Maps and Plans. Second Edition, corrected throuought, and greatley enlarged. (Enth. folgende mehrfach gefalt. Ktn. : (1) Central & Southern Europe with the Mediterranian Sea; (2) Map exhibiting the completed and proposed Canals & Rail-Roads of Great Britain & Ireland with the Coal fields, Light houses &c.; (3) British Possessions in North America from the Report of the Emigration Committee of 1827, corrected to 1834; (4) River Thames, with the Docks from Blackwall to the Tower; (5) South West Part of Lancashire, with the Entrances to the Rivers Mersey & Dee; (6) The World on Mercator's Projection.)

Erscheinungsort: London, Verleger: Longman Erschienen: ,Erscheinungsort: Rees, Verleger: Orme Erschienen: ,Erscheinungsort: Brown, Verleger: Green Erschienen: ,Erscheinungsort: Verleger: and Longman Erschienen: 1834.

XV., 1269 Seiten mit Abbildungen + 6 mehrfach gefaltete, gestochene Karten. Roter Halblederband der Zeit mit reicher Rückenvergoldung u. Lederecken.

€ 250,-

Gut erhalten.

Bestellnummer: 36668


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