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The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War...

Abbildung von "The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War. After the Conquest of Canada..." +1
Parkman, Francis: The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War. After the Conquest of Canada...

Stichwort: Original Edition

Parkman, Francis

The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War. After the Conquest of Canada. Tenth Edition, revised, with Additions. Vol. I & Vol. II.

Erscheinungsort: Boston, Verleger: Little Erschienen: ,Erscheinungsort: Brown, Verleger: and Company Erschienen: 1886.

XX., 364 Seiten, gefalt. Karte 'Portland Settlements in America', + ' Portland Settlements of Detroit' / VII., 384 S +' Map of the Country on the Ohio & Mufkingum Rivers... '+ ' A Plan of the several Villages in the Illinois Country...' In 2 Halblederbänden der Zeit mit reicher Rückenvergoldung, je 2 Rückenschildchen u. Lederecken.

Francis Parkman, The Conspiracy... 2 Vols. komplett

€ 60,-

Sehr gut erhalten. Very fine condition.

Bestellnummer: 37378


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