Antiquariat & Buchhandlung Heiner Henke

Katalog Geschichte, Politik, Geographie, Archäologie

Archaeology in Britain since 1945. New Directions...

Abbildung von "Archaeology in Britain since 1945. New Directions. With contributions by Nick Ashton,..."
Longworth, Ian and John Cherry (Edit.): Archaeology in Britain since 1945. New Directions. With contributions by Nick Ashton,...

Longworth, Ian and John Cherry (Edit.)

Archaeology in Britain since 1945. New Directions. With contributions by Nick Ashton, John Cherry, John Hurst, Ian Longworth, Timothy Potter, Valery Rigby, Leslie Webster. With line illustrations by Simon James.

Erscheinungsort: London, Verleger: The Trustees of the British Museum Erschienen: 1986.

gr. 248 Seiten mit sehr vielen Abbildungen. Original-Broschur.

€ 10,-

Sehr gut erhalten.

Bestellnummer: 35956


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