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Abbildung von "Modernization, Leadership, and Participation. Theoretical Issues in Development Sociology. Essays in Honour of Benno Galjart."
Nas, Peter J. M. and Patricio Silva (Ed.): Modernization, Leadership, and Participation. Theoretical Issues in Development Sociology. Essays in Honour of Benno Galjart.

Nas, Peter J. M. and Patricio Silva (Ed.)

Modernization, Leadership, and Participation. Theoretical Issues in Development Sociology. Essays in Honour of Benno Galjart.

Erscheinungsort: Leiden, Verleger: University Press Erschienen: 1999.

gr. IV, 214 Seiten Orig. - Brosch.

Studies in Social Anthropology.

€ 15,-

Hintere obere Einbandecke leicht geknickt. Gut erhalten.

Bestellnummer: 50952


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