Antiquariat & Buchhandlung Heiner Henke

Katalog Geschichte, Politik, Geographie, Archäologie

Joseph Pennell's Pictures of the Panama Canal...

Abbildung von "Joseph Pennell's Pictures of the Panama Canal. Reproductions of a series of lithographs made by him on the Isthmus of Panama,..." +1
Pennell, Joseph: Joseph Pennell's Pictures of the Panama Canal. Reproductions of a series of lithographs made by him on the Isthmus of Panama,...

Pennell, Joseph

Joseph Pennell's Pictures of the Panama Canal. Reproductions of a series of lithographs made by him on the Isthmus of Panama, january - march, 1912, together with impressions and notes by the artist.

Erscheinungsort: Philadelphia and London, Verleger: J. B. Lippincott Company Erschienen: 1912.

gr. 13 Seiten + 28Tafeln. Orig. - Leinen mit mont. Deckeltitel.

€ 30,-

Exlibris und Namenseintrag auf dem Vorsatz. Einbandecken etwas bestoßen. Sonst gut erhalten.

Bestellnummer: 53554


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