Antiquariat & Buchhandlung Heiner Henke

Katalog Geschichte, Politik, Geographie, Archäologie

The evidence of ceramics as an aid in understanding the pattern of trade in the Philippines and Southeast Asia.

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Rochas Lim, Aurora: The evidence of ceramics as an aid in understanding the pattern of trade in the Philippines and Southeast Asia.

Rochas Lim, Aurora

The evidence of ceramics as an aid in understanding the pattern of trade in the Philippines and Southeast Asia.

Erscheinungsort: Bangkok, Verleger: Chulalongkorn University Erschienen: 1987.

153 Seiten (aus dem Typoskript gedruckt.) Orig. - Brosch.

€ 20,-

Namenseintrag auf dem Vorsatz. Gut erhalten.

Bestellnummer: 51108


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