Antiquariat & Buchhandlung Heiner Henke

Katalog Kunst, Kunstgeschichte, Architektur

The Bachelor of Salamanca...

Abbildung von "The Bachelor of Salamanca. Translated from the French of Alain René Le Sage by James Townsend..." +2
Le Sage, Alain René: The Bachelor of Salamanca. Translated from the French of Alain René Le Sage by James Townsend...

Le Sage, Alain René

The Bachelor of Salamanca. Translated from the French of Alain René Le Sage by James Townsend. With Four Original Etchings by R. de Los Rios.

Erscheinungsort: London, Verleger: Nimmo and Bain Erschienen: 1881.

gr. XVI., 400 Seiten + 4 Kpfr.-Taf. Grüner Ganzlederband der Zeit mit reicher Rückenvergoldung, goldgepr. Monogr. a. d. Deckel u. Kopfgoldschnitt.

' Only 100 Copies of this Edition on laid paper, medium 8vo, with proof Etchings on Japanese paper, have been printed, and are numbered consecutively as issued. No. 54. '.

€ 65,-

Exlibris a. d. Vors. und verso. Gut erhalten.

Bestellnummer: 37339


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