Antiquariat & Buchhandlung Heiner Henke

Katalog Literatur, Literaturgeschichte, Sekundärliteratur

The poetical works of William Blake...

Abbildung von "The poetical works of William Blake. Including the unpublished French Revolution together with the Minor Propehtic Books and Selections from The Four Zoas,..."
Blake, William: The poetical works of William Blake. Including the unpublished French Revolution together with the Minor Propehtic Books and Selections from The Four Zoas,...

Blake, William

The poetical works of William Blake. Including the unpublished French Revolution together with the Minor Propehtic Books and Selections from The Four Zoas, Milton and Jerusalem. Edited with an introduction and textual notes by John Sampson.

Erscheinungsort: London - New York - Toronto, Verleger: Oxford University Press Erschienen: 1958.

LVI, 453 Seiten mit einigen Tafeln. Orig. - Leinen mit Farbkopfschnitt.

€ 20,-

Vorsätze leicht stockfleckig. Gut erhalten.

Bestellnummer: 57722


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