Antiquariat & Buchhandlung Heiner Henke

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The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer's Drawing-Book...

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Sheraton, Thomas: The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer's Drawing-Book. With a new introduction by Joseph Aronson...

Sheraton, Thomas

The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer's Drawing-Book. With a new introduction by Joseph Aronson. (Additional informations on the cover: Containing all the sections on furniture, including the Appendix, the Accompaniment and The Additonal Plates. With 98 plates.)

Erscheinungsort: New York, Verleger: Dover Publications Erschienen: 1972.

XXIII, 240 Seiten mit 98 Tafeln. Illustrierter Orig. - Brosch.

Dover Books on Antiques.
"This Dover edition, first published in 1972, reproduces material from various early editions of 'The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer's Drawing-Book' published by the author between 1793 and 1802.".

€ 30,-

Stempel auf den Vorsätzen. Gut erhalten.

Bestellnummer: 43441


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