Decker, Charles F. (Edit.) : Saving the Solomons. From the diary account of Rev. Mother Mary Rose, S.M. S.M. With a Foreword by Richard J. Cushing. Secon d edition .
Decker, Charles F. (Edit.): Saving the Solomons. From the diary account of Rev. Mother Mary Rose,...
Erscheinungsort: Bedford, Verleger: Mass. The Marist Missions Erschienen: 1948.
Stichwort: Salomonen
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St.a.V.u.T. Gut erhalten.€ 15,-
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Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of : Standard Edition . (Reihe:) II. Works: Moral and Political Philosophy. (Band:) II, 3: Praktische und Politische Philosophie. (Beinhaltet: "Des Maizeaux' French Translation of parts of An Inquiry con cerning Virtue"; "Eine Untersuchung über Tugend und Verdienst"; Die Moralisten: Eine Philosophische Rhapsodie"; u. a.)
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of: Standard Edition. (Reihe:) II. Works: Moral and Political Philosophy. (Band:) II,3:...
Erscheinungsort: Stuttgart, Verleger: frommann-holzboog Erschienen: 1998.
gefunden im Katalog Philosophie, Weltanschauung
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Moreau de Jonnes, Alex. : Statistique des Peuples de L'Antiquité. Les Égyptiens, Les Hébreux, Les Grecs; Territoire; Population; Origine; Races; Castes et Classes; Agriculture; Industrie; Commerce; Richesse Publique; Forces militaires. Tome Premier (et) Tome Scon d. (Cplt.)
Moreau de Jonnes, Alex.: Statistique des Peuples de L'Antiquité. Les Égyptiens, Les Hébreux, Les Grecs; Territoire; Population; Origine; Races; Castes et Classes; Agriculture; Industrie; Commerce; Richesse Publique; Forces militaires...
Erscheinungsort: Paris, Verleger: Librairie de Guillaumin et Cie. Erschienen: 1851.
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Exlibr. a. d. Innendeckel. Durchgehend etwas gebräunt. Gut erhalten.€ 100,-
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Beaumont-Vassy, Viscon te di : Storia Dell'Europa Settentrionale. Dopo II. Con gresso di Vienna 1815-1845. Traduzione di Cesare Sabattini. Tomo I (Svezia e Norvegia - Danimarca - Prussia - Belgio - Olanda) / Tomo II (Russia) / Tomo III (Inghilterra).
Beaumont-Vassy, Visconte di: Storia Dell'Europa Settentrionale. Dopo II. Congresso di Vienna 1815-1845. Traduzione di Cesare Sabattini...
Erscheinungsort: Firenze, Verleger: Società Editrice Fiorentina Erschienen: 1846.
Stichwort: Edition Originale
gefunden im Katalog Geschichte, Politik, Geographie, Archäologie
Exlibr. a. Vors., Kanten berieben, Ecken gestaucht, vordere Ecke von Bd. 3 abgerissen. Noch gut erhalten.€ 45,-
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Le Sage, Alain René : The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane. Translated from the French by Tobias Smollett. Preceded by a biographical and critical Notice of Le Sage by George Saintsbury. With Twelve Original Etchings by R. de Los Rios. In Three Volumes.
Le Sage, Alain René: The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane. Translated from the French by Tobias Smollett...
Erscheinungsort: London, Verleger: Nimmo and Bain Erschienen: 1881.
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Exlibris a. d. Vors. u. verso. Tafeln teils etwas braunfleckig. Gut erhaltene Bände.€ 180,-
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Pevsner, Nikolaus / J. M. Richards (Ed.) : The Anti-Rationalists. (Art Nouveau Architecture and Design).
Pevsner, Nikolaus / J. M. Richards (Ed.): The Anti-Rationalists. (Art Nouveau Architecture and Design).
Erscheinungsort: New York, Verleger: Harper & Row Publishers Erschienen: 1973.
gefunden im Katalog Kunst, Kunstgeschichte, Architektur
Gut erhalten.€ 18,-
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Le Sage, Alain René : The Bachelor of Salamanca. Translated from the French of Alain René Le Sage by James Townsend. With Four Original Etchings by R. de Los Rios.
Le Sage, Alain René: The Bachelor of Salamanca. Translated from the French of Alain René Le Sage by James Townsend...
Erscheinungsort: London, Verleger: Nimmo and Bain Erschienen: 1881.
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Exlibr. a. d. Vors. u. verso. Gut erhalten.€ 65,-
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Sheraton, Thomas : The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer's Drawing-Book. With a new introduction by Joseph Aronson. (Additional informations on the cover: Con taining all the sections on furniture, including the Appendix, the Accompaniment and The Additonal Plates. With 98 plates.)
Sheraton, Thomas: The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer's Drawing-Book. With a new introduction by Joseph Aronson...
Erscheinungsort: New York, Verleger: Dover Publications Erschienen: 1972.
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Stempel auf den Vorsätzen. Gut erhalten.€ 30,-
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Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire (edited by) : The Encyclopaedia of Sport & Games. (In four volumes, complete). A New and Enlarged Edition with Colour Plates and Illustrations from Photographs and Drawings. Volume 1: A - Cricket. With over five hundred illustrations. / Volume 2: Crocodile Shooting - Hound Breeding. With about five hundred illustrations. / Volume 3: Hunting - Racing. With about five hundred illustrations. / Volume 4: Rackets - Zebra. With about five hundred illustrations.
Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire (edited by): The Encyclopaedia of Sport & Games. (In four volumes, complete)...
Erscheinungsort: London, Verleger: William Heinemann Erschienen: 1911.
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Gut erhalten. / In good conditions.€ 110,-
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Demetrion, James T. (Introduction) : The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. Smithonian Institution. Secon d Edition .
Demetrion, James T. (Introduction): The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. Smithonian Institution. Second Edition.
Erscheinungsort: New York, Verleger: Hirshhorn Museum Erschienen: 1987.
gefunden im Katalog Kunst, Kunstgeschichte, Architektur
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