Antiquariat & Buchhandlung Heiner Henke

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The Encyclopaedia of Sport & Games...

Abbildung von "The Encyclopaedia of Sport & Games. (In four volumes, complete)..." +4
Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire (edited by): The Encyclopaedia of Sport & Games. (In four volumes, complete)...

Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire (edited by)

The Encyclopaedia of Sport & Games. (In four volumes, complete). A New and Enlarged Edition with Colour Plates and Illustrations from Photographs and Drawings. Volume 1: A - Cricket. With over five hundred illustrations. / Volume 2: Crocodile Shooting - Hound Breeding. With about five hundred illustrations. / Volume 3: Hunting - Racing. With about five hundred illustrations. / Volume 4: Rackets - Zebra. With about five hundred illustrations.

Erscheinungsort: London, Verleger: William Heinemann Erschienen: 1911.

gr. VIII, 496 Seiten / VIII, 448 Seiten / VIII, 448 Seiten / VIII, 471 Seiten mit zahlr. teils farbigen Abbildungen Alle Bände mit frab. Frontispiz. Orig. - Leinenbände mit Deckel und Rückentiteln.

€ 110,-

Gut erhalten. / In good conditions.

Bestellnummer: 43698


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