Stichwort: Jagd
Baily's Hunting Directory (Ed.)
Erscheinungsort: Lonodn, Verleger: J. A. Allen and Company Erschienen: 1971.
XX, 375 Seiten mit 3 mehrf. gefalteten Karten. Orig. - Pappband.
"Containing details of Hunts, including their countries, histories, and former Masters, of Foxhounds, Harriers, Staghounds, Draghounds, Beagles, Basset Hounds, Otterhounds, and Bloodhounds, in the United Kingdom and Ireland; Hunts of America, the Commonwealth, and Europe; results of Hound Shows and three maps showing boundaries of Foxhounds."
Baily's Hunting Directory Number sixty-five.
€ 20,-
Hinterer Deckel etwas fleckig. Gut erhalten.
Bestellnummer: 56614
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