Antiquariat & Buchhandlung Heiner Henke

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Inversion of the Subject in French Narrative Prose from 1500 to the Present Day.

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Clifford, Paula M.: Inversion of the Subject in French Narrative Prose from 1500 to the Present Day.

Stichwort: Sprachwissenschaft

Clifford, Paula M.

Inversion of the Subject in French Narrative Prose from 1500 to the Present Day.

Erscheinungsort: Oxford, Verleger: Basil Blackwell Erschienen: 1973.

453 Seiten Original-Leineneinband.

Publications of the Philological Society XXIV.

€ 10,-

St.a.d.Innendeckel. Gut erhalten.

Bestellnummer: 48337


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