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A Help to English History; Containing A Sucsession of all the Kings of England,...

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Heylyn, Peter / Paul Wright: A Help to English History; Containing A Sucsession of all the Kings of England,...

Stichwort: Originalausgabe Original Edition

Heylyn, Peter / Paul Wright

A Help to English History; Containing A Sucsession of all the Kings of England, The English, Saxons, and the Britons; the Kings and Princes of Wales; the Kings and Lords of Man: and the Isle of Wight. As also of all the Dukes, Marquises, Earls, and Bishops thereof. With the Desriptions of the Places from whence thei had their Titles. Together with the Names and Ranks of the Viscounts, Barons, and Baronets, of England. By Peter Hevlyn, D. D. Prebendary of Westminster. And since his Death continued, with Great Additions, to First Day of November, 1773. With the Coats of Arms of the Nobility, Accurately engraved on Copper Plates, and properly blazoned. To this Edition are now first added, Lists of the Extinct Viscounts and Barons; Also The Praetorian Banner Displayed; Or, the Arms of all the Lord Mayors of London, accurately engraved on Copper Plates, and explained by True Blazonry, With A Complete List of the said Magistrate; Now first published by Paul Wright.

Erscheinungsort: London, Verleger: Printed for the Editor Erschienen: 1773.

Kupferstich als Frontispiz, IX., 560 Seiten + 1 Bl. + 22 Kupfertafeln mit Wappendarstellungen. Halblederband der Zeit.

€ 200,-

Exlibris a. d. Innendeckel. Einband lädiert. Noch gut erhalten.

Bestellnummer: 38811


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